I am a multi-disciplinary freelance designer and longtime pedagogue. Many projects over the years have left their mark, leading to a strong vision of design, art and art education. I am pragmatic, but not that distanced from theoretical thinking, which inspires me and works as a counterbalance to my own free thought processes.
I am in my element with challenging, large, multi-disciplinary, international projects. Applied disciplines and the combination of art, design and sustainable development are at the heart of my work and values, in addition to empathy, sensitivity and a sense of humour.
Feel free to contact me in things concerning concept design, art, teaching sustainable design or other fields of arts and crafts and design:
lauraisoniemi1@gmail.com, tel. +358 40 5087 090
Current position
Freelance designer
Part-time teacher at Aalto University since 1991
Part-time teacher at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Department of Design since 2000
IDBM Pro studies, Helsinki University of Technology, Lahti Center, 2009
Art Therapy Studies, Open University at University of Art and Design, Art Education Department, 2009
Project Management, University of Art and Design, Department of Movies and Scenography, Helsinki University of Technology and Helsinki School of Economics, 2007
Art Pedagogy, University of Art and Design, Art Education Department, 1996
Master of Arts (Textiles), University of Art and Design, Department of Fashion and Textile, 1987
Pedagogical Training, Aalto – Tongji Pedagogical Course vol 2, Aalto University Pedagogical Program, 2013
Teaching through English in the Multicultural Learning Environment, Aalto University Pedagogy Studies, 2011
Language skills
Finnish: native language
Swedish: good
English: fluent
French: moderate
German: basics
Previous positions and mobility
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Department of Design, MA and BA level
Teacher, course developer, Aaltoliike Project, interdisciplinary product design course in English, vol 1–5, 2010–2015, MA
Teacher, Introduction to design, multidisciplinary design course for BA students of design in English, 2014–2015
Teacher, Mind Set – Creating Sustainable Societies, multidisciplinary course for MA students of creative sustainability in English, 2015
Teacher, course developer, My Home Project, multidisciplinary course, housing and service design project for young persons with intellectual disability in English, 2014, MA
Teacher, Creating Tongji Lounge, multidisciplinary course for creative sustainability MA students in English, 2014
Teacher, course facilitator, Thinking things – Conceptual design workshop, multidisciplinary course with Benetton Fabrica, Creative director Jaime Hayon, in English, 2003, MA
Teacher, course developer, Comma, Conceptual multidisciplinary design studies in English, 2001–2003, MA
Teacher, Nokia Tires Project, multidisciplinary course, Creating new concepts and themes for Nokia Tires in English, 2002, MA
Department of mathematics and system analysis, MA level
Teacher, expert of surface design, Chrystal Flowers in the Hall of Mirrors, interdisciplinary course for all MA Aalto students in English, 2014
Department of Fashion and Textile, ma and BA level
Teacher, Colour and pattern module, multidisciplinary course, Creative sketching techniques and materials in English, 2013–2015, MA
Teacher, exhibition curator, Jewellery in me Project, Textile artwork based on Kalevala Koru jewellery for BA students, 2011–2012
Teacher, course supervisor, Collection design, Printed textiles IV, Finlayson textile competition 2009, S-group textile competition 2010, 2008–2010, BA
Teacher, course supervisor, Artistic expression 2, Course supervisor for further studies in textile techniques, materials, contemporary techniques and colours, 2007–2013, BA
Teacher, course supervisor, Artistic expression 1, Course supervisor for textile art, materials, colours and creative techniques, 2011–2013, 2003–2005, BA
Teacher, Textile art 3, 1992, BA
Teacher, Printed textile and dying workshop 1, 1992–1995, 1998, 2000–2001, 2003, 2005–2006, 2008, BA
Teacher, Printed textile and dying 2, 2000, 2008–2009, BA
Teacher, course developer, Picture analyses, 2006–2009, BA
Teacher, course developer, Sociological survey methods, 2006–2009, BA
Teacher, course developer, Portfolio 1, 2002–2008, BA
Teacher, course developer, Portfolio 2, 2002–2008, BA
Department of Visual Arts, BA level
Teacher, course developer, Experimental textile printing, course for BA and MA art education students, 2013–2015
Teacher (one of three), moodle, lecturer, course developer, Common surrounding – Sustainable art and design, multidisciplinary course for all BA 1 art students, 2009–2011
Teacher, course developer, Textile printing and dying course II, Advanced methods, 1993–2003
Teacher, course developer, Textile printing and dying course I, 1991–2003
Department of Media, Theatre and TV, MA and BA level
Teacher, special technique advisor, Shakespeare Storm play composed by Sibelius, project for MA costume design students in co-operation with costume designer PhD Sofia Pantouvlaki, 2015
Teacher, advisor, Magic: Special technique course on materials and colours, 2012–2013
Teacher, Mind map of stripes: Special sketching course on recycled clothes, 2010
Teacher, course developer, Mama Africa, Special techniques in reactive dying and African jewellery making, 2010
Open University, BA level
Teacher, course developer, Printing and dying workshop 1, 2008–2014, 1999–2003
Metropolia University of Applied Science
Department of Design, BA level
Lecturer, course leader, Ecological design, textile and fashion students, 2011–2013
Lecturer, course leader, Ecological design, interior design students, 2012
Lecturer, teacher, Sustainable design, interdisciplinary group, 2013
Teacher, course leader, Printed pattern design for fashion students, 2011–2013
Teacher, Pattern design 2, concept design, with colleague Elina Helenius, 2012–2013
Teacher, organizer, Contemporary techniques 1, adult textile students, 2012
Teacher, course inventor, Contemporary techniques 2, interdisciplinary group, 2012
Visiting professor, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, CAUP College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 10–11/2014
Visiting teacher, Tongji University, Shanghai, China in co-operation with Aalto University Creative Sustainability Dept., Innovation Garden project and Finland Design House project, 11/2013
Teacher and organizer of Aaltoliike student trip, Exploring opportunities for cooperation between Aalto University and Parsons the New School of Design, New York and Rhode Island; School of Design, United States, 2011
Lecturer, organizer, group leader of Aaltoliike Project, Study and benchmarking trip as part of the Aaltoliike Project. Visiting the Department of Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, 2010
Teacher exchange, Exploring student exchange possibilities. Teacher of course Creative Sketching Techniques for BA-level, Margaret Trowell School of Fine Arts, Makere University, Uganda, 2007
Teacher, course developer, Paris-Helsinki Project; Interdisciplinary project, School of Design, Ecole nationale superior d’architecture Paris-Malaquais, Design Ecole Camondo, Ecole Duperre High School of Design, Fashion and Creation, Paris, 200
Professional activities and achievements
Editorial work
Book Manuscript, Figuring Things. Contemporary methods of making surfaces. Book idea about ways of creating surfaces with different creative tools and materials. In co-operation with Aalto books, Work in progress
Article in Ikonen, Petteri, Vira, Riitta (eds.). Esineet esiin. Taiteen keskustoimikunta, Painokankaan suunnitteluprosessi (Design processes in textile design), 2004
Thesis Supervision
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
14 MA level Thesis/supervisor, 2003–2015
11 MA level Thesis/examiner, 1996–2015
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Science
9 BA level Thesis/supervisor, 2012–2015
Positions of trust
Board Member, The Finnish Association of Textile Artists, 2012–2015
Board Member, Possibility to a Child, Parent Organization, 2015
Experience of Leadership
Textile and color designer, Aalto President's Nordic House Room, Otaniemi, Espoo, 2015
Interior and color designer, project and renovation leader, Aalto Foundation Donors’ Lounge Project, Otaniemi, Espoo, 2013
Project leader and teacher, The Jewellery in me exhibition. Textile art based on Kalevala Koru jewellery Kalevala Koru Shop, Helsinki, 2011–2012
Inventor and project leader of Aaltoliike design shop, Aaltoliike Project Concept idea for Aalto University; preparer of business plan, leader of the interdisciplinary peer-group, 2009
Project leader, product portfolio builder, teacher, communicator, Aaltoliike Project pop-up shop, 2011
One of two project leaders, organizer, Kretongista printtiin [From cretonne to print], Vapriikki Museum center, Tampere, 2007
Joint efforts and co-operation
Aaltoliike Project, Teacher, organizer, content producer: an interdisciplinary product design project of Aalto executive-level gifts in co-operation with Fiskars and Aalto communications, 2013
Kalevala Koru Project, Interdisciplinary study project, Aalto University. Service design for Kalevala Koru flag store. Project leader, student elector, 2010–2011
Marimekko Project, Sustainable product design education course for Marimekko designers; lecturer, course developer, facilitator, workshop manager IDBM Pro thesis, 2009
Printed textiles for Marimekko, Finlayson, Kemira Pigments and E. Helenius, 1987–1996
Postcard collections for Unicef International, Paletti, 2000–2009
Graphic design, T-shirt and brand design for Radio City, Helsinki, Kemira Pigments, Helsinki festival, Club Huvila and Yle, 1988–2000
Administrative assignments
Aaltoliike Project, Aalto University, Developer of student selection criteria, selector of students, 2010–2011, 2013
Kalevala Koru, Aalto University, Interdisciplinary project, student selector, 2011
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Fashion and Textiles, Member of the BA student selection group, 2005–2008
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Fashion and Textiles, Lecturer 45% of full-time work. Included such administrative tasks as arranging and evaluating the entrance examinations for BA candidates, study planning and evaluation MA Theses. Teaching textile printing for BA 1–3 level and BA 1 artistic expression as well as portfolio teaching for BA 1 and 3, 2005–2006
Public appearances
Interviews in TV
Kirppis/Yle 1, An interview about printed retro fabrics and main values in old printed textiles, 16.1.2007
MTV 3 Ihana aamu, program, Lilli Loiri, Design in charity products/ Social design, 12.3.2003
Taito 4/2015, Dollmaking, Journey to your self (Selfienukke, matka ja tutkiskelu itseen), 2015
Pyhäkoulu, Saarinen 4–5, Church textiles have a meaning of their own, 2005
Taito 2/2005, From here and there – Saint Anna Church gets new textiles, 2005
Torso, Hietala 1/96, The double life of an artist-teacher, 1996
Suomen Kuvalehti, Runeberg, no 30/87, Master thesis in the use of industry / Kemira, 1987
Design In Finland 1989, Kirkka Valtonen, Pearlescent Textiles, 1989
Kotiliesi, Mäkinen 16/ 1987, Spinnermoths mirage: Golden fabrics, 1987
Artworks in book publications
Viisi kirkkoa [Five churches]; edit. Hakola, Karvala, Meuronen; Päivä osakeyhtiö, 2001
Suomalaisen designin uudet mielentilat [New states of minds Finnish Design]; Hienonen; Otava, 2007
Esineet esiin; edit. Ikonen, Vira; Taiteen keskustoimikunta, 2004
Ateneum Maskerad; edit. Sotamaa; Taik books, 199
Prizes and awards
Aalto Foundation Prize in Aalto University, Idea competition for inventing business plan for Aaltoliike shop and course idea, 2009
Greta and Wilhelm Lehtinen scholarship, Support for an art project, 2004
Nordic Ministry Council scholarship, 1995
Armi Ratia Foundation scholarship, 1988
Timo Sarpaneva scholarship, 1987
Finlayson interior textile competition of printed textiles, First prize, 1985
Artistic achievements
Public artworks
Majalampi Recruiting center, Rinnekoti foundation; user-centered textile felt artwork Yhdessä [Together], 2011
Church textile design concepts, Heponiemi Retreat Center, Karjalohja, 2007; St. Anna’s Church, Vantaa, 2004; Matin Kappeli [Matin Chapel], Espoo, 2002; Aitolahti Church, Tampere, 2001
Juried joint exhibitions
Jyväskylä Museum of Arts and Crafts, The celebration of a meter; hand printed textile, 2006
Museum of Arts and Design, The Fifth Domestic Textile Triennial Contemporary, 1999
Printed Object, Design Forum, Helsinki, 1999
Young Forum, T-shirt collection for Club Huvila, 1996
Museum of Art and Design, A meter of the nineties, 1994
Gallery Otso, Second Domestic Textile Triennial; Hand painted textiles, 1994
Kluuvi Gallery, Helsinki Coincidence, Group exhibition with Armi Ratia Foundation candidates, 4 printed textiles in co-operation with Marimekko, 1988
Joint exhibitions
Ulm, Germany, metal textile artworks together with Finnish and German artists, 2015
Culture Center Stoa, Helsinki, Mutual Weirdness, Installation, contemporary artwork, 2012
Muotohuoltamo, Lahti, Roots, Hand printed lamp collection, wall covers, 2012
Kalevala Koru Shop, Helsinki, The Jewellery in me, Hand printed lamp collection, textile, pot covers, wall textiles, 2012
Gallery Tyko, Nurmes, Kohtaamisia, Unique hand-printed trays, interdisciplinary art exhibition, 2011
Manchester metropolitan galleries, UK, Finnish Lines, Hand printed textiles, 2006
Riihi Gallery, Virrat, Bread exhibition, Hand-painted soft foam form, 2006
Russian Culture and Science center, Bread exhibition, Hand painted soft foam form, 2004
Gallery Kapriisi, Life long journey, Contemporary printed objects, 2001
Vantaa City Museum, Heaven and Earth, Processes in textiles and photographs, 2000
Gallery Bau, 3 meets, Experimental textiles, joint exhibition with Kirsi Niinimäki and Juha Laurikainen, 1998
Gallery Into, Studium et punctum, Hand printed textiles, 1996
Manchester metropolitan galleries, UK, Finnish design; Unique printed textile, international exhibition of arts and design, 1996
Gallery Atski, Helsinki, Master Thesis exhibition, 1987